Husbands, in the same way...
Read 1 Peter 3:7
Throughout this long section about submission to others, Peter emphasises that this is the way of godliness. It is done for the Lord’s sake (2:13), in response to Christ’s example (2:21), and results in holy living (3:2). For all these reasons, the teaching applies to all Christians, both men and women, and that’s made explicit in this verse.
The same kind of sacrificial, caring service should likewise characterise the husband’s behaviour to his wife. In the patriarchal context of the time, this is a remarkable statement which would have been shocking to many. The Christian husband must see his wife as an equal partner in the family of God – they are heirs together of eternal life (1:4; Rom.8:17). Because of that, he must treat her with consideration and honour, valuing her just as God does (3:4).
So as God’s holy people we must all “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph.5:21), ridding ourselves of self-centredness in order to grow up in our salvation (2:1-2; Ph.2:3). Selfishness will always get in the way of effective prayer but living as a humble servant pleases God, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (5:5-7; Jas.4:6-10).