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Suffering for doing good


Submission to rulers and masters will at times inevitably result in being on the wrong end of unfair treatment, perhaps even cruel persecution. But “for the Lord’s sake” (2:13) it should still be done, because God is able to work all things together for our good, even our trials and suffering (Rom.8:28).


Suffering of any kind is never welcome and it will always be a mystery to us. But Scripture is clear that God uses all our trials to bring about benefit in our lives, as we saw in 1 Peter 1:6-7. Suffering produces in us the godly qualities of perseverance, character and spiritual maturity which is why we are able to endure joyfully even when we suffer persecution and injustice (Rom.5:3-4; Jas.1:3; Mt.5:11-12).


This is so of all our trials but particularly in “the pain of unjust suffering” which we endure because we are “conscious of God” (19) i.e. because of our faith in him. Some pain we bring upon ourselves and there is no virtue in that (20). But when we “suffer for doing good” – for taking up the cross (Mk.8:34) – then that is "commendable to God" and so we endure it, knowing that one day wrongs will be put right and we’ll receive his commendation (1:4-5; (Mt.25:21).

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