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Submit yourselves to authorities


Although the world is not our home and “our citizenship is in heaven” (2:11; Ph.3:20), the Bible calls us to be model citizens in society, with respectful submission to “every human authority” (13). That’s because “all the authorities that exist have been established by God” (Rom.13:1-2), to provide order and good government for the benefit of everyone.


So, “for the Lord’s sake”, we should submit to them and gladly pray for “kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful, quiet and godly lives” (1 Tim.2:1-2). This is all the more important in view of society’s readiness to “accuse you (Christians) of doing wrong” (2:12) which is best countered by being “subject to rulers... ready to do whatever is good... showing true humility to all” (Tit.3:1-2).


This is true even with ungodly rulers. The emperor at this time was Nero (AD54-68), under whose persecution Peter would later be executed. There are times when obedience to God trumps obedience to the authorities (Dan.3:13-18; Acts 4:18-20; 5:27-28). But the clear principle is that we should “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s” unless that prevents us from giving to “God what is God’s” (Mk.12:14-17).

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