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As strangers in the world


So Christians are the new temple, the new priesthood, the new people of God (2:5,9) and this calls for a new way of living. Part 1 of the letter has established the basis of holiness and love in the Christian’s life and in Part 2 he will give more specific application of how that should work out in practice. The people of God must live godly lives of high integrity and good behaviour.


God’s people live in the world but they are not of it (Jn.17:15-18). This letter is addressed to “strangers in the world” (1:1) and the same word is again used here. It emphasises that we are temporary residents in this world for our true homeland is in heaven (Gen.23:4; Ph.3:20). So “live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear” (1:17). This requires putting off all that’s ungodly (2:1) and Peter again now urges us “to abstain from sinful desires” (cf. Gal.5:16).


He says this out of love for them (Beloved) because otherwise they’re in spiritual danger. Sinful desires “wage war against your soul” (cf. Jas.4:1). Toying with temptation may seem harmless but “the acts of the sinful nature” work against “the fruit of the Spirit in our lives” (Gal.5:19-24). We reap what we sow (Gal.6:7-8).

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