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This stone is precious


Jesus is the chosen and precious foundation stone (2:4-5) and that’s now supported by three OT verses (Is.28:16; Ps.118:22; Is.8:14). Paul also draws on these two verses from Isaiah (Rom.9:33) and both Jesus and Peter quote Ps.118:22 (Mt.21:42; Acts 4:11) to underline that not all accept the salvation Jesus brings (Acts 4:12).


Those who accept him find something of great value. Jesus is precious to God (4), the precious cornerstone (6) who therefore is precious to those who believe in him and in his precious blood (7; 1:19); he is the pearl of great value (Mt.13:46). It’s the same Greek root word in all these verses and it’s used too for the seat of honour (Lk.14:8) – our faith is worth more than gold and will “result in... honour when Jesus is revealed” (1 Pet.1:7).


This precious honour contrasts sharply with the shame that results from rejecting Jesus. We either believe in him with the obedience of faith (Rom.1:5) or we “disobey the message” (8). One response leads to honour, the other to being “put to shame” (a fear often expressed in Psalms e.g. 25:2,3,20) – a joyful inheritance instead of shame and disgrace (Is.61:7). No wonder Jesus is precious to believers.

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