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Built into a spiritual house


This next section makes extensive use of Old Testament imagery to show that Christian believers are the new people of God through Jesus Christ. He is the living Stone, in contrast to the dead stones of the physical temple (4). Though many Jews had rejected him (Jn.1:11; Mt.21:13-44; Ps.118:22), he is God’s chosen and precious Messiah (Mk.1:11; 9:7).


By coming to Jesus (the tense is continuous), his life becomes our life (1 Jn.5:12) and we too become living stones, built into a new spiritual temple (5). The true temple is built with people – the people of God – with Jesus as the chief cornerstone: “In him the whole building rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you are being built together to become a dwelling where God lives by his Spirit” (Eph.2:19-22; 1 Cor.3:9).


Not only are God’s people the new temple, they are also the priests who serve in it (5; 2:9; Is.61:6) by offering spiritual sacrifices i.e. no longer of animals. Rather, we give ourselves to God (Rom.12:1) and serve him with sacrifices of praise and kindness (Heb.13:15-16). And as we come to him in worship, faith and obedience, God is pleased to live among us. What a privilege and what a purpose!

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