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Crave pure spiritual milk


Therefore (1) connects with the previous theme of holiness and especially the call to “love one another deeply from the heart” (1:22). Love is practical – an active expression of goodness towards people. In order to do that, we have to rid ourselves of wrong attitudes and practices e.g. malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander. Putting off the old self and putting on the new self is a necessary part of being God’s holy people (Eph.4:22-25; Col.3:8-12).


How do we do that? By a deep longing for spiritual food, recognising that we need the pure milk of God’s word. Just as we were born again through his word (1:23), now it’s through his word that we keep growing (2; Mt.4:4; Jas.1:21). In fact, we ought to crave that food i.e. long for it eagerly (cf. Ps.42:1). That’s how we grow up in our salvation.


When we came to Christ we “tasted that the Lord is good” (3; Ps.34:8). But that’s just the start – we need to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour” (2 Pet.3:18; Col.1:10). If we want to grow well, we have to eat well and often. God freely provides the food we need (Is.55:1-2). So don’t just snack occasionally but let his word dwell richly in your heart (Col.3:16).

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