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Therefore... be holy


Therefore” connects with and applies the salvation hope described in 1:3-12. The call to belong to God’s people brings with it a call to live differently – to be “holy in all you do”, just as God himself is holy (15-16; Lev.19:2; Is.6:3; 12:6). God’s holiness means that he is separated from sin and different to any other.


An object is said to be holy if it has been set apart to be used for God (e.g. Ex.19:6; 20:11; Ps.24:3). So holy people are those who live for God’s glory, set apart from evil and devoted to living in obedience to God (14). Our human passions remain with us but rather than conform to them, we chose instead to let God change us so that we think and live differently (Rom.12:1-2). As his children, we want to be like our Father (Eph.5:1)


It’s only because we're his children that we can do that – it’s the Holy Spirit within us who alone can make us holy. But we have an active part. By keeping our minds firmly focused on the hope of Jesus’s return, we’ll always be “dressed ready for service” (13; Lk.12:35-36). The hope of salvation – all by God’s grace – inspires and motivates us to be holy people (1 Pet.4:7; 2 Pet.3:13-14; 1 Jn.3:2-3). Therefore, set your mind on that.

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