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Inexpressible and glorious joy


Salvation is “the goal of your faith” and even now you have already begun to experience that – “you are receiving it” (8), not just that you will (5). This happens through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. The Spirit is the first instalment of God’s gift of eternal life (2 Cor.5:5; Eph.1:13-14) who causes the firstfruits of God’s nature to grow in us (Rom.8:23; Gal.5:22-23).


It’s through the power of God’s Spirit in us that we are able to rejoice even in our trials (6). The Spirit’s presence in our lives enables us to begin to know salvation because through him we begin to know the Saviour. Though we can’t see Jesus, by his Spirit he is always with us and we learn both to trust him and to love him. (8). What a blessing that is, both for him and for us (1 Jn.4:16; Jn.20:29).


Out of that comes “an inexpressible and glorious joy” (9). That’s the basis of our being able to greatly rejoice in trials – not out of a grim determination because we should, but through our relationship with him which sustains us in all circumstances. The now aspect of salvation means we are already “in Christ” through his Spirit, and as we remain in him his joy will be in us and our joy will be full (Jn.15:9-11).

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