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In this you greatly rejoice


It’s wonderful to know that as Christians God has prepared an eternal inheritance which is kept safe for us in heaven (4). But what about the here and now?


It’s true that God’s full salvation will only be “revealed in the last time” (5) i.e. when Jesus appears in glory, a glory that we will share (Mk.13:26-27; Col.3:4; Phil.3:20-21). But salvation is also our present experience (1 Pet.1:9) – even now, in all our trials, we are “shielded by God’s power” (5). God doesn’t shield us from trouble but he does shied us in it – he promises to be with us in our struggles and to guard us as he works out his good purpose in us (Is.43:2; Rom.8:28-29).


It’s “through faith” that we enter into the benefit of this. Faith is believing God’s promises and then living on the basis of that conviction. Through faith we know we are God’s children (Gal.3:26) who will share in his renewal of all things which all creation eagerly awaits (Mt.19:28; Rom.8:19). Because of this living hope (3), even now we can greatly rejoice despite our sufferings (6; Rom.8:18). The basis of joy in all circumstances is that our names are written in heaven (Lk.10:20). Because of that, we “rejoice in hope” (Rom.12:12).

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