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Chosen for God


Being part of God’s people is a great privilege but with it comes great responsibility. God had chosen Israel to be “a light to the nations” in order that the whole world might be blessed (Gen.12:1-3; Is.42:6; 49:6). But the Jews had “twisted the doctrine of election into one of favouritism, become filled with racial pride and hatred, despised Gentiles as ‘dogs’, and developed traditions which kept them apart” (Stott).


So Israel had become an unfruitful vineyard (Is.5:1-7) and therefore, said Jesus, the kingdom of God would be taken from them “and given to a people who will produce its fruit” (Mt.21:43). The same clear purpose is emphasised in his declaration, “You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear lasting fruit” (Jn.15:16).


Peter’s opening verses make the same point – Christians are not only chosen by God, they are also chosen for God. We are “God’s elect... for obedience to Jesus Christ” (2). There can be no greater privilege or position than belonging to God’s people, but knowing this should not (and must not) make us proud. Rather, in humility, love and obedience we are called to be his light to the world (Jn.13:15-16; Mt.5:16).

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