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Chosen by God


One of the great themes of the Bible, from start to finish, is that God desires a people. The Old Testament tells of God’s choice and election of Israel (Dt.10:15; Is.65:9; Ps.105:43) and the New Testament declares that through faith in Jesus, Gentiles too can share in God’s covenant promises to Abraham (Gen.12:1-3; Gal.3:26-29; Rev.21:2-3).


Peter wrote this letter to non-Jewish Christians, scattered throughout modern day Turkey. In the face of many trials, he encouraged them to persevere. The basis of his encouragement is spelled out in his opening words – they are part of God’s elect, the people whom God has chosen to belong to him. This has been accomplished for them by God himself – Father, Son and Holy Spirit work together to make us part of God’s own people (2).


The word elect (or chosen) can feel uncomfortable to us – what about our free will? But Jesus said clearly, “You did not choose me but I chose you” (Jn.15:16) and he often spoke of Christians as the elect (Mk.13:20,22,27; Lk.18:7; cf. Rom.8:33). It tells us that apart from God’s initiative we could never have come to him, and underlines what an immense and awesome privilege it is to be part of his people.

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