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"Joy and amazement”


Luke doesn’t include the resurrection appearances of Jesus in Galilee (Mt.28:16-17; Jn.21:1-14), just some of those around Jerusalem. The two who had recognised him earlier (24:13-32) immediately returned with their news but Jesus had already appeared to others, including Simon Peter (24:33-35; 1 Cor.15:5). The disciples knew that “the Lord has risen”.


Even so, they were meeting “with the doors locked for fear of the Jews” when Jesus appeared to them all (36; Jn.20:19). He spoke “peace” to their uncertainty and confirmed to them his physical resurrection (37-40). “They were overjoyed”, so much so that they could scarcely believe it (41; Jn.20:20; 1 Pet.1:8-9). Once again, Jesus emphasised that all this was in fulfilment of Scripture, just as he’d said (44:46; 24:25-27).


His appearance was not just to encourage them but to commission them (47-49; Jn.20:21). Luke then concludes his Gospel by mention of the ascension (50-53), as if that also happened on the same day. In his sequel Luke makes clear that these events took place over forty days (Acts 1:1-8). Once the Spirit has come, the good news of Jesus’s death and resurrection must go to the whole world.

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