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“Their eyes were opened”


These disciples may have been a married couple (18; Jn.19:25). They had left Jerusalem on Easter Day before the full story of the resurrection emerged – they knew of reports that the tomb was empty and that angels had declared Jesus to be alive but there had not yet been any news of him appearing to people (22-24). Now they were about to be among those who would meet with him.


As they journeyed, Jesus walked with them but “they were kept from recognising him” (14-16). This is a common feature of the resurrection appearances – recognition of him goes hand in hand with understanding of his saving purpose. The death of Jesus had undermined their faith in him (19-21; “we had hoped”) but in fact that death was the fulfilment of God’s long-promised hope of salvation (25-27; e.g. Is.53).


Jesus waited for them to urge him to stay and teach them more (28-29). Then, as bread was broken (30,35; 22:19), the penny dropped about all that he’d said and about who he was (31-32). Their hearts had been stirred by what he’d told them, but they would not have recognised him unless they’d pressed him to stay. When the risen Christ speaks to us, the door to our heart needs to be open (Rev.3:20).

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