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"He is risen"


The resurrection is the essential conclusion to the story of Jesus (1 Cor.15:14) and so in all four gospels it’s the climax of the book. Jesus appeared to many people (1 Cor.15:5-7) and the variations in the accounts are a mark of authentic testimony. In all the gospels it was women who discovered that the tomb was empty (1; Mt.28:1; Mk.16:1; Jn.20:1-2). At that time women could not be witnesses in a court of law so if the story had been fictitious this role would certainly have been given to men.


None of the gospels record all the resurrection appearances and from Luke and John we know that Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem several times (24:36-49; Jn.20:19-29). But Luke doesn’t include the appearances in Galilee and so he omits that part of the angel’s message (Mk.16:7). Instead, the word “Galilee” is a reminder that Jesus had predicted all these events (9:22).


The women were looking in the wrong place for him, for the living are not likely to be buried in a graveyard (5). Many people have tried to explain the empty tomb in other ways but the best explanation is still that which was given to these women – Jesus was not there because he had risen from the dead.

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