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“They crucified him”


Throughout that long and sleepless night, Jesus had been cruelly examined by various Jewish leaders at the home of the high priest (Mk.14:53-64; Jn.18:12-14,19-24). It was illegal to carry out a trial by night and so, early the next morning, a formal meeting of the whole Council was convened in order to confirm the verdict legally (Mk.15:1). In Luke these two meetings of the Council are combined together into a single account (22:66-71).


They “came to the decision to put Jesus to death” (Mt.27:1) but they had no power to execute anyone. So they needed to hand him over to the Gentile authorities, just as he had predicted (Jn. 18:31; Lk.18:32-33). Let’s reflect on the unfolding events of Good Friday, as described by Luke:

  • Jesus before Pilate (1-5)

  • Jesus before Herod (6-12 Only Luke records this.)

  • The death sentence (13-25)

  • On the way to the cross (26-31)

  • The crucifixion (32-43)

  • The death of Jesus (44-46)

The tearing of the curtain in the temple is a symbol that the way to God is now open (45). This curtain barred the way into “the Holy of Holies” but through his death that barrier has been removed and we now have access to the Father (Heb.10:19-22; Eph.2:18).

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