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“The God of the living”


The next question Jesus faced was from people who disbelieved in life after death (27) so it was hypothetical and insincere (28-33; Dt.25:5-6). It was also irrelevant, based on their misunderstanding of the after-life, the Scriptures and God (34-36; Mk.12:24). The real issue was their denial of life after death and so Jesus refuted their argument by referring to a key passage from the books of Moses which shows an ongoing relationship with God beyond death (37-38; Ex.3:2-6).


Jesus then asks a question (41). The title Son of David was being used of Jesus (18:38-39; Mt.21:9,15) so he wanted them to see that their concept of messiahship was too limited (42-44; Ps.110:1). He was David’s Lord with a far greater authority than David, for the Messiah will have the place of honour not on an earthly throne but at the right hand of the throne of God (Mk.14:61-62; Acts 2:34-36).


Some further remarks about the law-teachers hypocrisy end by him saying they “devour widow’s houses” (45-47; 11:37-52) and this is contrasted with the action of the poor widow who gave “all that she had” (21:1-4). “God measures giving not by what we give but by what we keep for ourselves” (Cole).

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