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“The kingdom of God belongs to...”


God’s kingdom belongs to those who receive it “like a little child”, not because children are sweet and innocent but because they are humble and trusting, dependent on others to meet their needs (16-17; Mt.18:13; 19:13-15). They typify those who are “poor in spirit” (Lk.18:14; Mt.5:3). In contrast to that, this ruler illustrates “how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God” (24; Mt.19:16-26, Mk.10:17-27).


Both his question and morality were sincere (18-21) and Jesus “loved him” (Mk.10:21). But he lacked what he most needed – to trust in Jesus rather than his “great wealth” (22-23). Jesus exposed that by telling him to give all he had to the poor. The command was specific to this situation but all who follow Jesus must have the same total commitment to be his disciples however costly that might be (14:25-33).


It’s impossible to walk in the “narrow way” while carrying bulky baggage (25; Mt.7:13-14). Salvation is only possible for us all by God’s grace (26-27). In this reversal of first and last it’s those who lose “everything” for Jesus and God’s kingdom who will receive his rich blessing now – “and in the age to come eternal life” (28-30; Mk.10:28-31).

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