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“The day the Son of Man is revealed”


Many people wanted to know when God’s kingdom would come and that’s the question put to Jesus here (20-21). His answer is best translated “the kingdom of God is among you”. In his own person and ministry the kingdom had already arrived (Mk.1:15). There will be a day when he returns and will be revealed for who he is (30; Dan.7:13-14) but it’s more important to be ready for his coming than to focus on its timeline.


Out of enthusiasm, there’ll be plenty of false announcements that Jesus has returned already (22-23) but they can be ignored because when it happens it will be obvious to all (24). And it will happen in the midst of the ordinary stuff of life, with people going about their daily lives (26-35). The situation will be urgent but many will remain complacent about their need to be ready.


These verses (26-35) are also in Matt.24:37-42, as part of the longer section about the Lord’s return (Mt.24:1-51; Lk.21:5-36). There the punchline is, “Therefore, keep watch” (Mt.24:42). Here Luke makes a different application about the future revealing of Jesus – it’s those who lose their lives for his sake now who will be saved when he comes (33; Mt.10:39; Mk.8:35; Jn.12:25).

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