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“We have only done our duty”


In this collection of four teachings, Jesus speaks first about “things that cause people to sin” (1-2; Mt.18:6-7; Mk.9:42). There are many stumbling-blocks for Christians and often they are caused by other people. Hence this strong warning that such behaviour will incur a severe judgement (Rom.14:13).


One major obstacle is a refusal to forgive those who wrong us. Such people can be rebuked and urged to repent (3; Mt.18:15) but even if they don’t we must still keep on forgiving them, just as God keeps on forgiving our sins against him (4; Mt.18:21-35; Mt.6:12; Eph.4:32).


We can all identify with the prayer, “Increase our faith” (5-6; Mt.17:20). But prayer is about reliance on God and a mustard seed was “the smallest of all seeds” (Mt.13:32) so Jesus is saying that even the tiniest amount of faith is enough. It’s not the greatness and strength of our faith which matters but the greatness of the one we trust in and the strength of his promises (2 Pet.1:3-4).

. So we live by faith and forgiveness in a sinful world. We are his children but there is no room for any pride or presumption. Whatever we do for him, we are only doing our duty as unworthy servants (7-10; 1 Pet.4:10).

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