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“The Pharisees loved money”


Jesus told the three parables in Luke 15 in response to the Pharisees’ pride and their disdain of “sinners” (15:1-2). Now the reason for both those shortcomings is made clear: “the Pharisees loved money” (14). So they are the people who Jesus was addressing in the parable of the shrewd steward (16:1-9), with its punchline, “You can’t serve God and money” (13).


The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim.6:10), not money itself. Money can be used for eternal benefit (16:9) but that’s only possible when we love God rather than money – we cannot love two different masters (13). Outward religion might fool others and even ourselves, but God knows our hearts and what we truly value (15). The love of our heart will be set on whatever we treasure most (Lk.13:33-34).


All of this is part of the coming of God’s kingdom which wise people will make every effort to enter (16). The shrewd steward illustrates that determination, in contrast to the Pharisees who were blind to the opportunity. Though the law would never pass away they failed to grasp the way Jesus fulfilled its purpose and meaning, bringing the greater righteous of God’s Kingdom (17-18; Mt.5:17-20,31-32).

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