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“You must be ready”


The previous passages have emphasised that we need to live with an eternal perspective, laying up lasting treasure in heaven (12:20,33). Jesus now goes on to urge his followers to keep that future destiny constantly in mind so that we are not taken by surprise either by the crises of life or by his coming again in glory.


Jesus says a lot about his return (e.g. Mk.13; Mt.24) and some of the content of those chapters is included here by Luke. In each case the main point of this teaching is always the same – we are to be “dressed ready for service” and not caught out by our unawareness of when his coming will be (35-36; cf. Mt.25:1-13). “Therefore keep watch” – we need always to be awake and ready (37-40; Mk.13:33-37).


This is underlined in a further parable which urges “faithful and wise” stewardship of our gifts and calling (41-46; Mt.25:14-30). Those who keep on serving faithfully will be rewarded and blessed (37-38,43-44). But those who give up because they get weary of waiting will find that their faithlessness is costly (45-47). Stewardship is a responsibility and a privilege not to be taken lightly: “From the one who has been given much, much will be required” (48).

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