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“Do not worry”


In Matthew this section is included in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt.6:25-34) where it follows on well from Jesus teaching us to pray, “Our Father in heaven... Give us our daily bread” (Mt.6:9,11). It’s just as relevant here, after the parable of the rich fool (Lk.12:13-21) who trusted in riches for his security and his purpose in life.


The command “do not worry” begins with “therefore” (22). This points back to being “rich toward God” (12:21) and tells us that our security has its basis in that. There are more important things in life than food and clothing (23-28). It’s not that they don’t matter but “do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink” (29). Instead, when our heart is set on God and his kingdom then we can trust him for everything else (31,34).


The call to “seek his kingdom” is followed by the promise that “the Father is pleased to give” it (32). His true disciples may be few but we are God’s flock, under his loving care and provision (Ps.77:20; Is.40:11; Jn.10:11; Heb.13:20-21). With this purpose and this promise, our anxiety about money will get replaced with generosity in our use of it, thereby laying up lasting “treasure in heaven” (33; Mt.19:21).

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