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“Rich towards God”


This parable of the rich fool occurs only in Luke though Jesus often speaks about money as a spiritual danger. It’s impossible to love God if we love money (Mt.5:24; 1 Tim.6:10) and “the deceitfulness of wealth” chokes our response to God’s word (Mk.4:19). This parable vividly illustrates the folly of valuing material things more than we value God.


Disputes over family inheritances are not new and that’s the context here (13-14). It leads to a strong warning to “be on your guard against all kinds of greed” (15). Greed (literally covetousness) takes many forms, as the tenth commandment indicates (Ex.20:17). At the heart of it is self-centredness and self-indulgence – the word “I” comes eight times in this story in the Greek.


Money and riches are not evil in themselves. But they’re entrusted to us to use for God’s glory and for the welfare of others (Lk.16:10-11; 1 Tim.6:17-19; Mt.6:19-21). Hence the foolishness of living for temporal rather than eternal riches, especially when we remember how fragile and uncertain human life is (16-20). Those who recognise this will “gain a heart of wisdom” and look to live lives that are “rich towards God” (21; Ps.90:3,12).

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