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“Whoever acknowledges me”


Luke continues the mission instructions also found in Matt.10:5-31, with two great promises and one solemn warning. Acknowledging Jesus publicly will be costly, often opposed even by family members (Mt.10:21,35-36). But it is certainly worth it, for he promises that on the Day of Judgement those who have confessed him as Lord will be welcomed by him while those who have denied him will find the door shut (8-9; Lk.9:24-26; Rom.10:19; Ps.27:10).


This leads to a grim warning that “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” is an unforgiveable sin (10). The saying also occurs in the context of Jesus being accused of doing his work by the devil’s power (Mt.12:32; Mk.3:28-30). Persistently calling good evil is a sin which hardens the heart against any interest in forgiveness (Is.5:20). “God’s power to forgive is not abated. But there is no longer the capacity to repent and believe” (Morris).


So no one seeking forgiveness need ever fear that they might have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. Rather the Spirit is our welcome friend who comes alongside to help us, not least when we need the right words to say in faithful witness (11-12; Mt.10:19-20; Jn.14:26; Acts 1:8).

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