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“Who you should fear”


From the hypocritical teaching of the Pharisees (1; Mt.16:12) Jesus next tells the disciples to share his own teaching fearlessly. In Matthew this section is part of the instructions given to the twelve when he sent them out on mission (Lk.9:1-6; Mt.10:5-31). Jesus warns his followers that opposition and persecution are inevitable but, he adds, “Do not be afraid” (Mt.10:26).


The outcome is inevitable – the truth of Christ will be made known (2-3; Jn.1:4-5). This is both a promise and a command – “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight” (Mt.10:27). The fear of people must not hinder the duty of witness – the only one who deserves to be feared is Almighty God, who holds the power of a far more terrifying destruction than that of martyrdom (4-5; Pr.1:7; Rev.14:7,13).


Not only that, God cares deeply for all of his creation. Even sparrows sold as cheap food for the poor are part of the Father’s care – how much more then will he care for his children (6-7; Mt.10:29). This doesn’t mean persecution won’t happen – both sparrows and Christians “fall to the ground”. But in his loving hands we are always safe. By fearing God, we are set free from all other fears (1 Jn.4:18).

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