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“The kingdom of God has come”


All three Synoptic Gospels contain this important passage (Mt.12:22-30; Mk.3:22-27). Jesus casting out demons prompted speculation that he might be the Messiah (14; Mt.12:22-23) so the Pharisees tried to dismiss such thinking by claiming that his power came from Satan, not from God (15. Beelzebul was a name for Satan, “the prince of demons”.)


Jesus answered their accusation by insisting that it is impossible for Satan to fight against himself (17-19). Rather, his authority over the demons showed that in him God’s kingdom was breaking into this world (20; Mt.12:28). The unusual idiom, “the finger of God”, emphasises that these miracles were done by the power of God (Ex.8:19; “the Spirit of God” in Matthew). Such mighty acts were indeed signs confirming that in Jesus the kingdom had arrived (Is.61:1; Mt.11:2-5).


Satan is strong (“a strong man”), but Jesus is stronger! (21). Satan has been bound and his kingdom of darkness is ready to be plundered (22). In this conflict, everyone is on one side or the other (23). When it comes to God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom, there can be no neutrality. So it is the Pharisees (and not Jesus) who are on the side of the devil.

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