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“Teach us to pray”


In response to the disciples’ request, “Lord, teach us to pray” (1), Jesus gave them this shorter version of the familiar “Lord’s Prayer” (Mt.6:9-13). It’s easy to think that Luke’s version is abbreviated and therefore less useful. But in fact Luke gives us the "bare bones" of the agenda for our meeting with God. It’s a pattern to guide us in our praying:


Father Begin by drawing near to God your Father.

Hallowed be your name Come with reverent worship because he is holy.

Your kingdom come Pray each day for God’s purpose to be done in you and in society.

Give us each day our daily bread Ask for what you and others need.

Forgive us our sins, for we forgive everyone who sins against us Receive his forgiveness and by that grace forgive anyone who has wronged you.

And lead us not into temptation Ask for protection and victory in the daily spiritual battle.


Next comes a parable to encourage us to pray persistently (5-8), not because God is unwilling to answer but because he is a heavenly Father who gives us what we need (9-13; Mt.7:7-11). Of all his good gifts, the gift of the Holy Spirit is key to our living as God’s children and engaging with God in prayer (13; Rom.8:15-17, 26-27).

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