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“Those who hear God’s word and do it”


This incident also underlines the importance of making the right response to the word of God. In Mark and Matthew it introduces the parable of the sower (Mk.3:31-35; Mt.12:46-50). In Luke the story comes after the parable but makes the same point – those who have “ears to hear” are those who put what they’ve heard into practice.


Even Jesus’s family were wondering if he’d gone mad (Mk.3:21). Mary knew that her son had been sent by God as the Messiah (Lk.1:29-33). But now, like John the Baptist (Lk.7:20), she was puzzled, for she had never expected him to oppose the Jewish religious leaders. His brothers had even less understanding and faith (Jn.7:3-5). So they came to try and help him get his work back on track.


Jesus’s response shows his clear understanding of what he had come to do (34-35). “He is not saying that earthly familial ties are unimportant, only that they are not all-important” (Morris). He knew he was doing God’s will and that even family love must not distract him from that. Those who follow him share the same commitment to bring in God’s kingdom by obedience to his word. That may be very costly (Mt.10:34-39). But the reward is having Jesus as our brother.

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