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“He chose twelve”


By this time there were many people who sincerely wanted Jesus to be their teacher and master (“a great crowd of his disciplesLk.6:17). From this group Jesus, after spending the night in prayer (12), chose twelve who would have a particular function and significance. They are pattern disciples, corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel to show that Jesus was establishing the true “Israel of God” (Gal.6:16). 


They were chosen “to be with him” so that “he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons” (Mk.3:14-15). Matthew adds “to heal every disease and sickness” (10:1). They’re referred to as the apostles (13), from the Greek word for send (apostello). So the disciples would be sent out by Jesus (Lk.9:1-2) as his personal representatives, taking the good news of God’s Kingdom. 


We need to remember both aspects. Sometimes we can prioritise spending time with Jesus (church, worship, prayer) but ignore the call to tell others about him. Or we might be so busy serving Jesus in the world that we neglect our relationship with him. We should not do one without the other. Jesus calls us to be with him, in order to send us out with his good news. 

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