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“I must preach the good news”


On the previous day Jesus had worked hard both during the day and at night. Now would have been a good time to rest, but instead Jesus rose early and “went out to a solitary place” to pray (42; Mk.1:35). The crowd were eager to find him for more miracles and the disciples saw the great interest in him as an opportunity not to be missed (Mk.1:36-37).


But for Jesus, prayer mattered more. Through prayer he kept his vision on God’s plan. To him, what had happened was not a reason for staying but a reason for going, in order to preach the good news of God’s kingdom in other places too (43. This is the first mention of the kingdom of God in Luke.) It was the launch of widespread preaching and healing throughout Galilee and even into Judea (44; Mk.1:39; Mt.4:23).


He did this with a sense of compulsion: “I must preach... because that is why I was sent” (43). Throughout his ministry, Jesus had a clear sense of purpose, often speaking of why he had come (e.g. Mk.10:45; Lk.5:32; Jn.10:10). Those who follow him have the same compelling purpose: “He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him” (2 Cor.5:15). And like Jesus, prayer is key to doing that.

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