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“The grace of God was upon him”


Organised religion can be the enemy of godly spirituality, as Jesus often found in his dealings with religious people (Matt.9:10-13; 12:1-4; 23:1f). But when religious practice is a sincere response to God from the heart, it prepares us to receive more of the grace which is in Jesus.


So it was for Anna. Like Simeon, she was one of the faithful ones waiting for the coming of the Messiah. A prophetess (Ex.15:20; Jdg.4:4), despite long years of sorrow she had not grown bitter but “worshipped night and day, fasting and praying” (36-37). She too, like Simeon, was in the right place to meet with Jesus, and to recognise him as the promised redeemer (38; Luke 1:68; 24:21; Eph.1:7). The name Anna means grace and clearly God’s grace was upon her.


And the grace of God was upon Jesus too, as he grew to manhood and maturity in Nazareth (39-40). Wisdom is a supreme characteristic of true spirituality (Jas.3:17) and “in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom”, very different from the wisdom of rule-based religion (Col.2:3,20-23). From his grace we too receive grace (John 1:16), “the surpassing grace of God” which overflows to others in thankful witness (38; 2 Cor.8:9; 9:14-15).

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