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The Gift

John 4:10

Samaritan woman at the well

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”



Father God, giver of all life, forgive us our unbelief in your living water. Ignite in our hearts a desire to unwrap more of your gift, change our hearts, Lord, and renew us from within. May we see with new eyes, our neighbour and ourselves – with Christ Jesus at our centre. Amen.


This reading and prayer is taken from today’s “Conversations with Dad” – an online Advent Calendar produced and written by John Pearson of Doorways Youth Project in Saltburn.

Each day’s conversation provides a short narrative giving food for Advent thought. Click here to go to the Calendar and then click on Day 25.

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