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Doing the Father's will


As the Sermon draws to a close, Jesus urges his disciples to respond to it with wholehearted commitment. The Bible is clear that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2:21; Rom.10:9-13). But that confession of faith must be real and not just with our lips, so that the outcome is genuine discipleship.


As in the Lord ’s Prayer, the kingdom of God and the doing of his will cannot be separated (21; Mt.6:10). It’s possible to call Jesus “Lord” with apparent sincerity yet without submitting to his lordship or obeying the Father’s commands. Even the performing of miracles is no proof of true faith (e.g. Mk.9:38; Acts 19:13-16; 1 Cor.13:2). “‘Charismatic’ activity is no substitute for obedience and a personal relationship with Jesus” (France).


Spiritual gifts are important but all that will really matter on judgement day is that we know Jesus (23; Jn.17:3) and that we have lived in obedience to the Father, as Jesus did (Jn.14:23; 15:9). He has brought us into God’s kingdom, and as kingdom people we now look to “live a life worthy of the Lord, pleasing him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the knowledge of God” (Col.1:10,12).

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