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Bearing good fruit


So we are to be on guard against false prophets (15) but how? Twice Jesus says, “By their fruit you will recognise them” (16,20). Just as a tree’s character is shown by its fruit, the authenticity of Christian teachers is evidenced by their lives showing the good fruit of God’s kingdom. That’s also true of every Christian. We are to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Mt.3:8), by having our hearts made good (Mt.12:33-35).


Those who belong to his kingdom are to be “a people who will produce its fruit” (Mt.21:43). That’s why Christ was raised from the dead, “in order that we might bear fruit for God” (Rom.7:4). Good fruit is the living out of “all goodness, righteousness and truth” (Eph.5:9) i.e. the lifestyle described in Matthew 5-7. It’s “the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ” by his Spirit in us (Ph.1:11; Gal.5:22-23; Mt.5:6).


Bad trees and bad fruit are fit only to be burned (19; Jn.15:6). But Jesus promises we can and will bear good fruit by remaining in him and in his love (Jn.15:4-8,16). That’s what we’ve been made for and saved for (Col.1:10). Authentic and fruitful Christian living comes from keeping very close to Jesus.

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