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Which road will you choose?


As the Sermon draws to a close Jesus doesn’t pause for applause – rather he challenges his listeners uncompromisingly to respond to it with wholehearted commitment. The choice is clear-cut, with no middle course of having a foot in both camps. For “no one can serve two masters” (Mt.6:24).


There are just two ways, one of which is easy and attractive because it avoids the cost of being a Christian, and one which is difficult and unappealing because it calls us to deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow Jesus (Mk.8:34). Jesus is the door into the Father’s kingdom (Jn.10:9; 14:6) and all who are willing and humble may freely enter in (Mt.18:3). But having come in we then must journey on, daily choosing to do his will (Mt.6:10) by seeking first God’s kingdom and righteousness (Mt.6:33; Acts 22:4).


So the choice isn’t easy but there’s a lot at stake. For the easy road leads to destruction and the narrow road to life (Mt.13:41-43; Mt.19:29; Mk.8:35). Like Moses before him, Jesus sets before us “life and death” and urges us to “choose life” (Dt.30:19-20). Through Jesus the door to God’s kingdom is open but we must decide whether or not to enter and then walk in his Way.

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