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This sums it all up


Does the Sermon on the Mount seem complicated? A Christian’s righteousness is different from the Pharisees’ long list of rules because Jesus has fulfilled the Law (Mt.5:17,20), but living out his greater righteousness is still very daunting. So it’s good news that one single law fulfils everything in regard to right behaviour towards other people: “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mt.22:38-40; Gal.5:14; Rom.13:8-10).


This is “the royal law” of God’s kingdom (Jas.2:8). And even this summary can be summed up further in this one Golden Rule: “In everything do to others what you would have them do to you”. That’s a comprehensive rule that covers every life-situation, with a basic simplicity and practicality. We need only ask ourselves how we would like to be treated to know what is right to do.


But though that’s simple to grasp it’s not easy to practise, especially if those people are our enemies (Lk.6:27-31). That same self-love means we don’t want to serve other people in this way (Phil.2:3-8). The Beatitudes point to what we need to seek in order for us to live by this rule (Mt.5:3-10) and the Lord’s Prayer shows us how we can find that enabling (Mt.6:9-13).

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