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Good gifts to those who ask


As in Luke, the call to “ask, seek, knock” is followed by these verses about a child making a request to his father (Lk.11:11-13), to make clear that the reason for our persistence is not due to any reluctance on God’s part to give us what is best for us.


The parable is a contrast – rather than a comparison – between God and men. Even the best of earthly fathers are selfish by nature yet they would still give only good and necessary gifts to their children. How much more then can we trust our heavenly Father to give us what he knows we need (Mt.6:8,32). This is why our praying begins with, “Abba, Father” (Mt.6:9; Rom.8:15), confident of his warm embrace and provision (Lk.15:20-24). “For what would he not now give to sons when they ask, when he has already granted that they might be his sons?” (Augustine).


Of all the good gifts he gives us, the gift of the Holy Spirit is most needed (Lk.11:13). Through the Spirit we experience the life of God’s kingdom and are enabled to be followers of Jesus. In particular, the Spirit affirms our sonship (Rom.8:16-17) and through his intercession we are led into the Father’s “good gifts” for us “in accordance with God’s will” (Rom.8:26-27).

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