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Speck removal 101

It’s not wrong to notice the specks in other people and nor is it wrong to want to help them. In fact, what Jesus says here is so that we can do that. “Then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (5). But the essential prerequisite is that we must first deal with the plank in our own eye. Otherwise our attempts to help will only make things worse.


Loving, Christian fellowship requires us to admonish and instruct one another as part of our growth in the Lord (1 Th.5:12-14; 1 Cor.4:14; Rom.15:14), just as “iron sharpens iron” (Prov.27:17). But for admonition to be constructive and effective, it must be done “with all wisdom”, through the word of Christ dwelling in us richly (Col.1:28; 4:16-17). To admonish “in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” is not only to say what Jesus would say but to say it in the way that he would i.e. full of grace as well as truth (Jn.1:14,17).


For our own growth into Christ likeness we need to see our planks and let God deal with us about them. But if we are humbly doing that then we will also be in a fit place to help others with their specks, coming alongside them as a fellow sinner who brings the grace which builds up (Eph.4:16,29).

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