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God or money?


Of itself money is neutral, just a useful medium for exchange. But it has the potential to rule our lives, a spiritual power that claims our love and devotion. That’s what Jesus is speaking of here – money as an idol that displaces God from our heart’s affection. “The love of money is the root of all evil”, causing some people to “wander from the faith with many griefs” (1 Tim.6:10).


Hence the stark choice in this verse. Jesus calls us to love and serve him devotedly but we won't do that if money is our idol. This gospel-call to turn from the money god in order to worship the one true God is illustrated in the stories of the rich young ruler (Mt.19:21) and Zacchaeus (Lk.19:8-9). For “what good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Mk.8:34-37).


Even when the right choice has been made, the challenge is ongoing. “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you’.” (Heb.13:5. NB This applies especially to church leaders 1 Tim.3:3). The one who loves God has everything; the one who loves money ultimately has nothing. This is our security and the basis of contentment (Ph.4:11).

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