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If your eyes are good


The “eye” indicates the external influences that affect the choices of our “heart” (21). We know that it’s in our best interests to “store up treasures in heaven” (20) yet the “lure of materialism tethers our hearts to earth” (Stott). If we are to overcome “the lust of the eyes” (1 Jn.2:16) it’s essential that our eyes are “good”. Literally this word means “single” i.e. if we try and focus on both God and possessions, we’ll have no clear vision and direction.


But when our clear priority is God’s kingdom, then the light of God will direct our values and our way. It’s in his light that we see light (Ps.36:9) and it’s his word which is a light to our path (Ps.119:105). By following Jesus and keeping our eyes on him, we will have the light of life and not walk in darkness (Jn.8:12).


“So the ‘single eye’ is primarily a metaphor for a life totally devoted to the service of God” (France). Strikingly, the word for single has the same root as the Greek word used for generosity (Rom.12:8; 2 Cor.8:2) which is very apt for what Jesus says here about our use of money. When our eye is good we are able to see our true treasure (6:20) and our true security (6:32-33) and live in the light of that.

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