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Treasure in heaven


In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches his followers the kingdom values which he expects them to live by. But we will never make sense of this teaching if we lose sight of the eternal perspective of Jesus coming again in glory, bringing his reward and recompense with him (Is.40:10; 62:11). Living now for the kingdom has great future benefit (Mt.5:12; 1 Pet.1:4-7).


That awareness is crucial to what Jesus says here about storing up treasures in heaven. The material things of this world have no lasting value – even if thieves and rust don’t get them we can’t take them with us. But by rightly using what has been entrusted to us as stewards of God’s gifts, we can convert them into eternal treasure of enduring worth (Mt.25:21; 1 Tim.6:17-19).


The rich young man who sought eternal life (Mt.19:16-30) was told “give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” But he clung to his earthly riches, unlike the disciples who had followed Jesus at great cost. To them Jesus promised that at his coming in glory they would have great reward. Living wholeheartedly for Jesus now means “you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom” (2 Pet.1:11).

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