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Put on God's full armour


The Christian life is an ongoing spiritual battle (12), just as it was for Jesus. Following his baptism, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the evil one, and whenever there was “an opportune time” that temptation continued (Lk.4:1-13). Jesus was tempted just like we are – the only difference is that he never gave in to it (Heb.4:15).


Which is why he teaches us to pray that we will resist temptation and be delivered from the evil one (Mt.6:13). Through his own victory he is able to help us overcome (Heb.2:18; 4:16; 1 Jn.2:14) but we need to ask for that help. This passage about “the full armour of God” (11,13) gives us a model for doing that, so that we can be “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (10).


Wesley’s hymn “Soldiers of Christ arise” is based on this passage and was written for Christians to sing as they got dressed in the morning! Each part of the armour is a resource to enable us to stand against the devil’s evil schemes (11). Consider how each piece equips you and consciously wear it each day, praying too for the Holy Spirit to fill you (18). And then stand firm (13-14), confident that God's Spirit in you is greater than the devil (1 Jn.4:4; Jn.17:15).

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