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"Because you are sons..."


God as Father is central to who he is: “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus” and “God our Father” too (Eph.1:2-3). He is “the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth”, and as creator “all fatherhood” is derived from him (Eph.3:15). But all who believe in Jesus enter into a far more particular relationship with God as their Father – they become his children, born of God, by his Spirit (Jn.1:12-13).


So God’s Fatherhood points to our sonship, various aspects of which are referred to in Gal.4:4-7: “God sent his Son... so that we might receive the full rights of sons.” As God’s children we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit who affirms that we are sons by our inner yearning to address God as “Abba, Father”. And children are heirs i.e. we will share in the glorious inheritance of his kingdom (cf. Rom.8:15-17; 1 Pet.1:3-4).


With such a Father why would we ever chose to wander from him? Yet, often we do, like the lost son in Luke 15:11-24. That parable also reminds us that God’s love and compassion for his wayward children have no limits – he meets and embraces us with welcome, acceptance and joy. So whenever you pray, remember he delights in you, his child. And begin, “Father...

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