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Secret service


This is the third example which Jesus uses to emphasise that doing acts of righteousness in order to impress people is hypocrisy (6:1-8). Whether we’re giving, praying, fasting, or any other act of service, it’s the Father’s "well done" which matters, not the applause of people (Mt.25:31).


Fasting isn’t often mentioned in the New Testament and we’re told that the disciples of Jesus did not follow the Jewish practice of regular religious fasts (Mk.2:18-20). His own example means that there must be a place for it at times, in conjunction with prayer (Mt.4:1-2). But beware the misunderstanding that prayer with fasting is somehow more powerful and more likely to be granted. (The words “and fasting” were not originally part of Mk.8:29). Fasting is not a show we put on, either for people or for God.


Once again, that’s the point. Whatever service we give to God must be from the heart and (wherever possible) done in secret. Our heavenly Father will see it and rejoice that we’ve made it our aim to please him. We do that gladly because we know we will share in his kingdom’s eternal glory. There can be no greater reward than that (2 Cor.5:9-10; Col.3:23-24; Rom.8:17-20).

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