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Your holy Father


Jesus has made clear the way to approach prayer (6:5-8) but what should we pray about? We need to ask, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk.11:1-4). Jesus gave the Lord’s Prayer to his disciples in response to that request, to use as a prayer guide: “This is how you should pray”. Not only as a prayer, but as a model agenda for our praying.


He has just emphasised that God’s Fatherhood is at the heart of the right approach to prayer (6,8) so it’s no surprise that that’s where our praying begins – consciously drawing near to our heavenly Father. Understanding this about God is central to what Jesus came to reveal. God is both his Father and our Father too (Jn.20:17). That’s a relationship of warmth and love, as seen in the Aramaic word Abba which Jewish children both then and now use for their dad (Mk.14:36; Rom.8:15-16; Gal.4:6-7).


So begin prayer by turning your mind and heart to your Father, reflecting on his delight when you, his child, draw near to spend time with him (Lk.11:11-13). Come to him with confidence that you are loved and accepted (Eph.1:3). But remember too that he is holy, always worthy of reverence and awe (Is.57:15). Like Jesus, we pray to a “Holy Father” (Jn.17:11).

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