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Overcome evil with good


The Law commanded restitution – “an eye for an eye” (Ex.21:24) – though even in the Law love for neighbour was meant to overrule revenge (Lev.19:18). Jesus drew out the meaning of that particular intention. His purpose was not to encourage injustice, but when wrong is done to us personally then we are to follow the example of Jesus who “when they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate" (1 Pet.2:23-24; Is.50:6; 53:7).


The principle of love for neighbour means that we are to “not repay anyone evil for evil” but instead “overcome evil with good” (Rom.12:17,21; 13:9-10). Jesus gave four mini-examples of putting this principle into practice (5:39-42). In some situations loving action will require a different application, though “let it be said that there there will be times when we cannot dodge these demands” (J.Stott).


But the principle is not limited to these four examples. Rather, in all situations we should be guided by selfless love which never seeks revenge but instead seeks the highest welfare of the other person and of society. At times, such love will require us to stand for truth and justice (e.g. Gal.2:11-14), but not out of self-interest.

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