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Rejoice because...


The eight Beatitudes together are a comprehensive portrait of a Christian disciple. The first and last of them have the same promise: “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (5:3,10). The promises in the other six (5:4-9) are all aspects of the blessing given to those who belong to God’s kingdom and who live out its qualities.


In these next two verses Jesus extends the thought of the final Beatitude but with a direct application to the listening disciples – “Blessed are you when people persecute you... because of me”. Jesus warned that his followers would indeed be persecuted “on my account” (Mt.10:17-18; 24:9). That’s part of the cost of taking up the cross and following him (Mk.8:34).


And yet this should cause us joy and gladness (12), as modelled by the apostles (Acts 5:41). Why? Because God will give a heavenly recompense that more than makes up for what has been suffered (cf. Mt.19:29; 25:21). And because such persecution is characteristic of God’s faithful servants – even the true prophets of old had been rejected in their day. So to be persecuted because of Jesus means we are in good company and shows that we belong to God’s kingdom. So “leap for joy” (Lk.6:23).

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