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Children of Abraham


The national pride of the Jews stemmed from Abraham being their ancestor. They knew God had chosen him to be the father of a great nation (theirs) but they had forgotten that in making that covenant God also promised him that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Gen.12:2-3). They had been chosen for a special purpose, not because in themselves they were special.


In their pride they had forgotten their mission, and John rebukes them for this (9). Now, with the coming of Jesus, God would raise up Gentiles (non-Jews) to be his children. Jesus would encounter the same national pride, with some Jews rejecting his liberating truth as unnecessary because “we are Abraham’s descendants” (Jn.8:31-47). God’s true children – and the true children of Abraham – are those who believe in Jesus (Jn.1:12; Gal.3:26-29).


God had looked in vain for Israel to be a fruitful vine (Is.5:7; Jer.2:21) and fruitless branches are good only for burning (10). Jesus, the true vine, gave the same warning (Jn.15:1-2,6). But with it is also the great promise that if we remain in him we will produce the good and lasting fruit that he has chosen and appointed us to bear (Jn.15:5,16).

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