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The Lord is good and his love endures for ever” (Ps.100:5; 107:1). The goodness of God is at the heart of his nature (Matt.19:17) and because of that, everything he does is good and perfect, including his work in creation (Gen.1:31) and his will in our lives (Rom.12:2). His goodness is expressed in giving to us all that we need for our benefit and help, and because of that we can trust him to work for our good in all circumstances (Rom.8:28).


We use the word good widely (e.g. good weather, good soil, good dog) but in regard to God it points to his perfect moral nature which results in his generous resolve to do us good. In our human nature we are incapable of such goodness (Rom.3:12; 7:18) but by grace God saves us so that we can do the good works we have been created for (Eph.2:8-10).


We are called to put kindness into generous practice, by using our material resources for the good of others (2 Cor.8:9; 1 Tim.6:18) and by “bearing fruit in every good work” (Col.1:10). We are to “cling to what is good” (Rom.12:9; 1 Th.5:21), avoiding whatever might corrupt that goodness (1 Cor.15:33). By his Word and through his Spirit, God has promised to equip us for every good work (Phil.1:6: 2:13; 2 Tim.3:17).

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